This blog hopes to explore the pain and embarrassment of hemorrhoids, anal tears, anal fissures, proctitis, etc, on a personal basis, and some of the possible solutions and, hopefully, the healing process. If you would like to join the blog, leave a comment with your email, and I will invite you and remove your email and comment. I am writing it for myself and anyone who has similar problems.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Fiber Issue (And Canasa Again)

Everything I read says that "lifestyle" changes help ameliorate and heal anal fissures.  I've been taking bran, a combination of wheat bran, oat bran and other brans, since 2010 when I had this before.

Dr. Beeai says bran is too harsh.  Also, the mixture that I take causes flatulency, which hurts and which often pushes out some of the poop, I think because of the stool softeners.

Dr. Beeai recommended Colace (only during the healing period) and Dr. Barbe recommended Metamucil (Psyllium) (he said I could also take Colace during the healing period.)  The Colace seems to make it harder for the gas to escape and uncomfortable pressure builds up.  :-(

I've tried Metamucil numerous times, and it seems to do JUST THE OPPOSITE of what it's supposed to do.  Dr. Barbe said I'm not doing it right, that I need to drink it with LOTS of water.  So I tried that and was worse the next day.  It may have been a coincidence.  But I'm afraid to try it again.

Diane says it not only softens the stool, but it comes out coated in gel.  The implication is that this eases the passage.  But I'm so afraid of increasing my pain.

Meanwhile, I am still taking the "harsh," gas-inducing bran, afraid to stop for fear of a butt-ripping constipation situation.  This may be making things worse.  I just don't know.  :-(

Also, I am back to using the Canasa and Prep H suppositories, which may make the situation worse rather than better in the long run, I just don't know.  But when I quit the Canasa, the pain got gradually worse and became agonizing to the point where I was literally leaping about in pain and none of the things that I've been using to ameliorate the pain were working.  It was whole days of torture.  When I started the suppositories again, the pain, while very painful, was at least bearable.

But supposedly, neither of the suppositories I am using are for this condition.  And Dr. Beeai says the Canasa is strong and should not be taken any more than absolutely necessary.

Eighteen days of Canasa and Prep H did not "cure" the problem, only backed it off slightly.  In AA, they say, "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results."  And maybe that is exactly what I am doing--I am trying again, because it DID work in 2010, in spite of it's not working this year when I first tried it and in spite of Dr. Barbe saying it was not for anal fissures but for Proctitis (then why did it work last time?). I felt the same then as I do now.  As far as I can tell.  And maybe I should be taking the Canasa without the prep H (which I am using after each BM) or the Prep H without the Canasa (which I take at night before bed.)  I just don't know.  :-(

Yesterday, I pooped three times, and each time hurt worse.  Then, I had insomnia.  I couldn't sleep late to make up for it because I had to pee really bad and when I got up to pee, I had to poop, too.  And then, too much pain to sleep.  I didn't poop much, which means I will have to poop at least once more.  If I have a small poop when I first get up, it is more likely that I will have multiple poops because the sphincter spasms and cuts off the poop.  I had fresh blood.

I am taking all these medications that I would prefer not to be taking, from daily Ibuprofens to the Canasa and Prep H.  I'm so tired from the pain and from insufficient sleep.

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